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Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention
Prologue To advance help quality and consumer loyalty, most firms utilize the trademark ‘the client is consistently right’. The...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention
Prologue To advance help quality and consumer loyalty, most firms utilize the trademark ‘the client is consistently right’. The basic supposition that will be that clients are consistently â€Å"rational and functional†in their experiences with workers (Reynolds Harris, 2003, p. 145). All things considered, supervisors educate the retail staff to address client grievances, including any item/administration transforms they want, to improve business performance.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Honest criticism from clients can empower a business to improve client support and give more an incentive to its customers. This would enable the firm to become and get fruitful in the market. While client criticism is significant, sometimes, outlandish requests made by client disappointed with their client experience can influence staff exec ution. The clouded side of customers may show as obnoxious attacks and dangers coordinated at the staff or preposterous grumblings and solicitations (Harris Reynolds, 2003). To shield representatives from client abnormality, it is significant for the entrepreneur to remain with their group. This would upgrade the employees’ trust in their work and improve their activity fulfillment. Exploration Question The proposed examination will inspect the accompanying exploration question: how does client aberrance impact work fulfillment and representative maintenance in the administration business? Foundation Research Harris and Reynolds (2003) recognize obnoxious attack, slight for organization approaches, and outlandish demands as the regular types of conduct appeared by raucous clients in the lodging business. Degenerate client conduct impactsly affects the staff, including mental, enthusiastic, and social impacts. Associations with testing clients lower staff resolve and inspirati on, which thusly diminish work fulfillment and maintenance (Harris Reynolds, 2003). Without sufficient authoritative help, client hostility can compel representatives in the business/showcasing group to leave the association or the area. Authoritative help is basic in managing testing clients. It is important that the CEO or administrator analyzes the circumstance reasonably before settling on a choice with respect to the benefits of the customer’s grievance or request.Advertising Looking for research paper on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ben-Zur and Yagil (2005) compose that the absence of hierarchical help results in â€Å"employee burnout, enthusiastic fatigue, and low self-esteem†that may influence efficiency and working environment relations (p. 91). Engaging staff empowers them to be progressively self-assured and ready to control client conduct. Speculation Managers or en trepreneurs regularly feel obliged to concede clients their wants. Notwithstanding, this methodology just improves degenerate practices in clients and makes workers weak and debilitated (Ben-Zur Yagil, 2005). Subsequently, representatives may get disappointed with their working conditions and want to leave the association or area. The examination guesses that client incivility combined with an absence of hierarchical help builds turnover aims in representatives working in the administration part. Moral Concerns In research, shielding the members from any possible mischief and protecting the secrecy and classification of data are the key moral difficulties that a scientist must address (Corbetta, 2003). The analyst should likewise look for an educated assent from the members. Since the proposed examination will include staff meets on client incivility and hierarchical help, any delicate data given will have the capability of harming an employee’s relationship with their manage r or administrator. The analyst will neither uncover the personality of the members nor their reactions to the association to shield them from retaliations. Protection and namelessness will be guaranteed during the whole examination process. Another moral test identifies with acquiring educated assent from the members. The representatives may feel compelled to partake if the greeting originates from their bosses. What's more, an unpredictable language may keep junior specialists from understanding the substance of an educated assent letter. The scientist will give the full subtleties of the exploration in a basic language to members before interest. Moreover, the members will be permitted to pull back anytime during the exploration without taking a chance with any penalty.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Preliminary Thoughts about the Research Desig n The investigation will utilize an unmistakable exploration configuration to examine how client incivility combined with the absence of hierarchical help upgrades an employee’s aim to leave the firm. It will draw its subjects from the administration and cutting edge staff working in the financial business. The forefront workers interface with clients and procedure client demands consistently. Information assortment will include semi-organized meetings directed at two levels, specifically, staff and the executives levels. Every member will be met at their workstation in a meeting enduring around 15 minutes. The analyst will utilize data looking for inquiries to investigate the participants’ encounters with client incivility, their perspectives on hierarchical help, and their turnover expectations. Topical examination approach will be utilized to dissect the subjective information gathered. The Sampling Approach The examination will utilize comfort inspecting to enroll members dependent on openness. Given that bank representatives are occupied with during working hours, it will be judicious to utilize this way to deal with accomplish information immersion. The examination will talk with 20 front-work area laborers (client care staff) and 5 chiefs from 3 diverse business banks. It is evaluated that an example size of 25 meetings will produce adequate information for the examination. To get to the respondents, the specialist will contact the bank administrators and advise them regarding the study’s objectives and technique. They will convey this data to the representatives and timetable daily for the meetings. Support will be deliberate and no motivating forces will be offered for partaking in the examination. References Ben-Zur, H., Yagil, D. (2005). The Relationship between Empowerment, Aggressive Behaviours of Customers, Coping, and Burnout. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 14, 81â€99. Corbetta, P. (2003). Socia l Research: Theory, Methods, and Techniques. London: Sage Publishers.Advertising Searching for research paper on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Harris, L. C., Reynolds, K. L. (2003). The Consequences of Dysfunctional Customer Behaviour. Diary of Service Research, 6, 144â€161. This examination paper on Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention was composed and presented by client Nataly I. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My sop to nyu review Free Essays
I am sure that blend of business and legitimate investigations would empower me to show best of my scholarly limit and flourish in serious business showcase. I have remained among top understudy in class during my five years of law concentrate from an organization where method of scholarly guidance was uniquely in English. My dynamic investment In banter, mock preliminaries and network administration had earned me various ward to which a respect given by universal official courtroom Judge hold an excellent incentive as I was not just picked among 120 best legitimate researchers In world yet just Indian to get that starting at now. We will compose a custom paper test on My sop to nyu survey or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now My relationship with Mr. Wang during temporary position caused me to learn job of universal discretion in rsolving questions where gatherings having a place with various lawful framework are associated with normal premium. I was blessed to present my contributions to battle issue like pirating across global fringe. right now I am in definite ear of contending my lords in universal in past . connection despite the fact that I have finished my recognition in business the executives. The expert experience which I picked up while working in a global law office had built up my base toward use of law concerning worldwide business among two natlon. The more I experience, the more I felt that my tralnlng In India misses the mark concerning what I expected to viably manage my International partner In course of my training . My vision deceives gain Insight Into lawful structure of U S A. hich us greatest remote financial specialist of my nation. Which is world quickest creating economy. A presentation to contemplate LLM at NYU in universal business guideline, assertion and suit will assist me with analyzing procedural law on worldwide business and likely impact policymakers in its direct backhanded advantage to my nation in term of business opportunity and seriousness by giving measures to bring increasingly remote speculation, careful methodology toward scholarly appropriately right,peacefull ettlement of global debate through mediation on quicker hub as I need to fill in as outside lawful advisor for my nation in the wake of doing LLM from USA. Instructions to refer to My sop to nyu survey, Papers
Sunday, August 16, 2020
8 Basic Psychology Facts You Should Know
8 Basic Psychology Facts You Should Know August 14, 2019 Hero Images/Getty Images More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Psychology is a source of fascination for many people, and for good reason. By learning more about the basics of the human mind and behavior, people are able to gain a greater understanding of themselves and others. Psychologists also play a vital role in the health care system by helping individuals experiencing mental health issues, performing psychotherapy, investigating different treatment options, and teaching patients how to manage their symptoms effectively. For some people, an interest in psychology is fueled by a desire to pursue a career in the field. Others may simply want to learn more out of curiosity or because they are thinking about consulting a psychologist for help with a health concern. No matter what the reason, building a better understanding of topics such as emotion, motivation, cognition, love, communication, and research methods will serve you well in many different areas of life. Psychology may seem like a vast and daunting topic at first, but understanding a few basic facts can make it easier to get started. The following are just a few of the important things you need to know about this fascinating subject. Once you have a strong understanding of the basics, you will be better prepared to explore different ways that psychology may help improve your everyday life, health, and well-being. Psychology Is the Study of the Mind and Behavior First, lets start by addressing exactly what psychology involves. Psychology can be defined as the study of mental processes and behavior. The term psychology comes from the Greek word psyche meaning breath, spirit, soul and the word logia meaning study of. Psychology has not always existed as it has today. In fact, it is considered a relatively young discipline, although as one eminent psychologist explained, it has a short past but a long history. Psychology emerged from biology and philosophy and is closely linked to other disciplines including sociology, medicine, linguistics, and anthropology. While psychology may be a young subject in the grand scheme of things, it has grown to play a tremendous role in the world today. Psychologists are employed in hospitals, mental health clinics, schools, colleges and universities, government agencies, private businesses, and private practice and perform a wide variety of tasks and roles ranging from treating mental illness to influencing public health policy. Psychology Relies on Scientific Methods One of the most common myths about psychology is that it is just common sense. The problem with this is that psychological research has helped demonstrate that many of the things that we believe are just common sense are actually not true at all. After all, if common sense were as common as people say it is, then people wouldn’t engage in behaviors that they know are bad for them like smoking or eating junk food. By challenging some of our misconceptions about how and why people behave as they do, psychologists are able to provide answers that help solve real-world problems. Unlike common sense, psychology relies on scientific methods to investigate questions and arrive at conclusions. It is through using empirical methods that researchers are able to discover relationships between different variables. Psychologists use a range of techniques to study the human mind and behavior, including naturalistic observation, experiments, case studies, and questionnaires.?? Psychologists Tackle Problems From Multiple Perspectives Topics and questions in psychology can be looked at in a number of different ways. Lets take the topic of violence as an example. Some psychologists may look at how biological influences contribute to violence, while other psychologists might look at how factors such as culture, family relationships, social pressure, and situational variables influence violence. Some of the major perspectives in psychology?? include the: Biological perspectiveCognitive perspectiveBehavioral perspectiveEvolutionary perspectiveHumanistic perspective Each perspective helps contribute a new level of understanding to a topic. Imagine, for example, that psychologists are trying to understand the different factors that contribute to bullying. Some researchers might take a biological perspective and look at how genetics and the brain contribute to this type of behavior. Another psychologist might take a behavioral perspective and look at the different ways that bullying behaviors are reinforced by the environment. Other researchers might take a social perspective and analyze the impact that group pressure might have on bullying behaviors. No single perspective is right. Each contributes to how we understand a topic and allows researchers to analyze the myriad influences that contribute to certain actions and come up with multi-faceted solutions to combat problematic actions and encourage better outcomes and healthier behaviors. Psychology Subfields Treat Different Problems In addition to many different perspectives, there are many branches of psychology. Psychologists often opt to specialize in a particular area. The type of psychologist that you need may depend upon the type of problem you are facing. Some of the biggest subfields within psychology are clinical psychology, personality psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology.?? If you are experiencing emotional or psychological symptoms, you might need to refer to a clinical or counseling psychologist. If you have a question about whether your child is developing normally, then you might want to ask a developmental psychologist. Some psychologists work in the field of mental health to treat patients experiencing psychiatric disorders and psychological distress. Subfields such as clinical, counseling, and health psychology are focused on helping people with mental and physical health issues. Other psychologists work in applied subfields, such as forensic psychology and industrial-organizational psychology, to solve real-world problems. Still other psychologists focus their work on research to contribute to our understanding of the human mind and behavior. Such psychologists may specialize in a particular area such as development, social behavior, cognition, or personality. Psychology Is About More Than Mental Health When you think of psychology, do you envision a therapist jotting down notes as a client recounts childhood experiences? While therapy is certainly a big part of psychology, it is not the only thing that psychologists do. In fact, many psychologists dont work in the field of mental health at all. Psychology encompasses other areas including teaching, research, and consulting. Psychologists work in a wide variety of settings, including: Colleges and universitiesPrivate corporationsK-12 SchoolsHospitalsGovernment offices Mental health is certainly a major area of interest in psychology, but psychologists also do things such as help athletes hone their motivation and mental focus, help design products that are safe and useful and help businesses understand how to influence consumers. Psychology Is All Around You Psychology is not just an academic subject that exists only in classrooms, research labs, and mental health offices. The principles of psychology can be seen all around you in everyday situations. The television commercials and print ads you see every day rely on psychology to develop marketing messages that influence and persuade people to purchase the advertised products. The websites you visit on a regular basis utilize psychology to understand how people read, use, and interpret online information. Psychology can also play a role in improving your health and well-being. For example, understanding some of the basic principles of behavioral psychology might come in handy if you are trying to break a bad habit and establish new routines. Knowing more about some of the things that motivate behavior can be useful if you are trying to stick to a weight loss plan or exercise regimen. Overcoming phobias, managing stress, improving communication skills, and making better decisions are just a few of the things with which psychology can help. If You Have a Problem, Theres Probably a Psychologist Who Can Help There are many different types of psychologists; each one focused on solving different types of problems in the world. For example, if your child is experiencing problems at school, you might seek advice from a school psychologist who specializes in helping kids deal with academic, social, emotional, and other issues. If you are concerned about an elderly parent or grandparent, you might want to consult with a developmental psychologist who is specially trained and knowledgeable in issues related to the aging process. In order to determine which professional is right for your needs, it helps to understand some of the different training and licensing requirements for different specialty areas. If you are trying to select a psychotherapist, it may also be helpful to learn more about which professionals are able to provide therapy services. If you are thinking about majoring in psychology, then you should be pleased to discover that there are many career paths to choose from. Different career options depend largely on your educational level and work experience, so it is important to research the required training and licensing requirements of your chosen specialty area. Just a few of the possible career options include clinical psychology, forensic psychology, health psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology. Psychologists Focus On Making Human Lives Better Among the major goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and improve human behavior. Some psychologists accomplish this by contributing to our basic understanding of how people think, feel, and behave. Other psychologists work in applied settings to solve real-world problems that have an impact on everyday life. And finally, many psychologists devote their lives to helping people who are struggling with psychological issues. You may find these professionals working in hospitals, mental health clinics, private practices, and other settings to diagnose psychological disorders and provide psychotherapy to people from all walks of life.?? While the work of psychologists may be highly varied, they all share one overriding goal: to help people live better lives. A Word From Verywell As you can see, psychology is a rich and fascinating subject that has practical applications in many areas of life. If you have ever wanted to learn more about why people think and act the way they do, then studying psychology is a great way to gain greater insight into the human experience. Psychology has a powerful impact on the world today, which is why it is so important to understand the role that this discipline plays in areas including academics, research, and mental health. Our daily lives are deeply impacted by the interaction of our biology, our relationships, and our mental processes. Psychologists are skilled at understanding the role these factors play in influencing health, happiness, and overall well-being. By learning more about the basics of psychology, you can gain a richer understanding of the many ways that this subject can affect your own life.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Transformation of Edna Pontellier in The Awakening Essay
â€Å"She wanted something to happen- something, anything: she did not know what†(Chopin). In Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, the reader is introduced to Edna Pontellier, a passionate, rebellious woman. Throughout the novel, it becomes apparent how unsettled Edna feels about her life. The reader can identify this by her thoughts, desires, and actions, which are highly inappropriate for an affluent woman of the time. In the novel, Edna has an awakening and finds the courage to make the changes she sees necessary. Kate Chopin is able to make quality connections in order to symbolize her innermost desires. Chopin does this by providing references to the sea, and the birds, and then using them to foreshadow Edna’s end of life decision.†¦show more content†¦In The Awakening, Edna finds herself yearning for this type of freedom and independence. She desperately wants to be relinquished from her stagnant life of wife and motherhood. Kate Chopin chooses to represent Edna’s desires through these symbolic birds. These solid references are scattered throughout the novel. They are first seen in chapter one, when Mr. Pontellier enters Madame Lebrun’s: â€Å"A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door†(Chopin) and, â€Å"†¦the mockingbird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence†(Chopin). These are, arguably, the two most significant pieces of symbolism in relationship to birds. This is because the parrot and mockingbird are in cages, representing the idea that Edna feels trapped by her current life. Also, the birds are squawking at Mr. Pontellier, representing the voice Edna is unable to express for herself early on in the novel (Shmoop Editorial Team). The next reference to birds appears when Mademoiselle Reisz says to Edna: â€Å"The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings†(Chopin). This is understood to mean that if Edna truly needs her freedom and independence to be happy, then she must be courageous enough to go against the norms of society (Shmoop Editorial Team).Show MoreRelatedLindsey Allison. Mrs. Schroder. Ap Literature And Composition.1217 Words  | 5 PagesComposition 3 January 2016 Awakening Essay: 1987 Awakening, takes place in 1899, a period in history where traditional gender roles were especially prevalent. Traditionally, women were destined to be housewives. The life of a woman was centered around caring for her children and husband. The success of a woman was not determined by her occupation nor accomplishments, but instead was determined by the livelihood of her family. The protagonist of Awakening, Edna Pontellier, steps outside of the traditionRead MoreThe Awakening, By Kate Chopin887 Words  | 4 Pageswomen being able to use freedom the way they want to, not the way others want them to use it. Edna Pontellier, the main character in Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening, experiences an â€Å"awakening†in her life, where she discovers her position in the universe and goes in this direction instead of what others like her husband Leonce tell her to take, similar to the style of feminism. â€Å"In short, Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize herRead More Comparing Edna of Kate Chopins The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House 1038 Words  | 5 PagesComparing Edna of Kate Chopins The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House Kate Chopins work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsens play, A Dolls House, were written at a time when men dominated women in every aspect of life. Edna Pontellier, the protagonist in The Awakening, and Nora, the protagonist in A Dolls House, are trapped in a world dominated by men. The assumed superiority of their husbands traps them in their households. Edna and Nora share many similarities, yetRead MoreEdnas Transformation in The Awakening by Kate Chopin Essay702 Words  | 3 PagesThe Awakening by Kate Chopin, is a story of a woman who breaks free from the restraints put on her by society. 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The two housewives experience their awakenings similarly through their repressive husbands, their lack of motherliness, and their ultimate decisionRead MoreThe Impact of Ednas Initial Awakening Essay example1447 Words  | 6 PagesExamine the ways in which Chopin reveals and develops the impact of Edna’s initial - awakening - in the central section of the novel. Chopin reveals the impact of Edna’s awakening through a number of different mediums and stylistic devices. Firstly, she uses Edna’s character and her interaction with other people to emphasise the initial development of Edna’s character. In the central section of the novel, Chopin implies a change in Edna’s character this is shown through Doctor Mandelet’sRead MoreFeminist Analysis Of The Awakening 1438 Words  | 6 PagesComposition 10 March 2016 Feminist Analysis of The Awakening In The Awakening, Kate Chopin creates a protagonist that clearly demonstrates a feminist. The protagonist, Edna Pontellier seeks more from life than what she is living and starts to refuse the standards of the society she lives in. Edna has many moments of awakening resulting in creating a new person for herself. She starts to see the life of freedom and individuality she wants to live. The Awakening encourages feminism as a way for women to obtainRead MoreThroughout The Awakening, water the main motif serves as a catalyst to the metamorphosis of Edna.1200 Words  | 5 Pages Throughout The Awakening, water the main motif serves as a catalyst to the metamorphosis of Edna. During the length of the story Edna goes through a process of changes that coincides with the presence of water. Water serves as a conduit for liberation and empowerment that facilitates the rebirth and even death of Edna. In this essay I will argue that the motif of water represents the continual transformation s that occur within Edna throughout the story. The story opens on the Grand Isle off theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Awakening 1032 Words  | 5 PagesIn Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, she writes about a woman’s desire to find and live fully within her true self during the 1890s in Louisiana. The woman, Edna Pontellier, is trying to find herself in the masculine society of Louisiana, leading her to cause friction with friends, family and the Creole society. Edna begins to feel a change; she begins to feel like a whole person with wants, interests and desires. She learns that she is not comfortable with being a wife and mother. The imagery of theRead MoreGrace Millan . Mrs. Schroeder . Ap Literature And Composition.1305 Words  | 6 Pages3 2017 The Awakening: 2014 Prompt In The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Edna Pontellier is a housewife who spend her days chatting with friends and going to the beach in Grand Isle, Louisiana. She feels empty, and almost like an object, whose sole purpose is to satisfy the needs of her family. However, after a summer on Grand Isle, she begins to express her feelings and desires with the help of her friends and the surrounding Creole culture. Edna eventually undergoes a massive transformation during which
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Vietnamese Americans - 3140 Words
Abstract The following paper will discuss Vietnamese Americans and their journey to America. I will talk about how these incredible and resilient people fought to succeed it a world that seemed to hold the odds against them. The culture, beliefs, and challenges of Vietnamese people are a precise paradigm of their strength and perseverance. Unfortunately, Vietnamese Americans make up only a small percent of the total American Population today. There are many stereotypes associated with the Vietnamese, but the truth is, we really know very little about their culture. After the Viet Nam War, many Vietnamese citizens immigrated to the United States to escape political Prosecution and poverty. Faced with a variety of obstacles and†¦show more content†¦The act was implemented in 1989 and called The Vietnamese Amerasian Homecoming Act. Amerasian is a term used to describe children of Vietnamese mothers and American fathers (or vice versa). Enabling approximately 25,000 Amerasian children into the country with their immediate families, the act allowed over 77,000 Vietnamese immigrants into the United States. Overall, between 1981 and 2000, over 531,000 Vietnamese citizens, voluntarily immigrated to the United States and were accepted. Although the United States progressively allowed more Vietnamese immigrants in to the country, if there were never limits to the number of legal refuges, tens of thousands of lives may have been spared. Currently, the United States continues to limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country. Politicians are even trying to upgrade the charge to a felony offense if immigrants are caught entering the United Sates illegally. The interesting part of this phenomenon is that the only people who are native to America are the Native American Indians. Other than that, everyones family had immigrated to America at some point. Having said that, maybe we should be more forthcoming when trying to pass a law by stating that now, since our family is already here, we should start to limit the number of new immigrants that enter. I find the hypocrisy of our government to somewhat overwhelming. At this point, the American peopleShow MoreRelatedEssay about I am Vietnamese, I am American3111 Words  | 13 PagesI am Vietnamese, I am American Durian fruit. When people ask me how I feel about my Vietnamese culture, the first thing that comes to mind is durian fruit. Unlike the strawberries or cherries found at Safeway, durian fruit at first glance does not even look edible. The entire fruit resembles a dirty old football, except that durian weighs nearly three pounds. One-inch spikes and a tough brown outer peel cover the fruit, giving it an intimidating look. Inside, yellow, kidney-shaped pieces lineRead MoreThe Between Vietnamese And American Education Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pagescontributing to people’s success. Fortunately, having a chance to experience with Vietnamese and American educational systems, I have realized each one has its own value of educating people. Although both attempt to cultivate people, they have striking differences. One difference between Vietnamese and American education is their rules regarding students’ appearances and their behaviors. First of all, most Vietnamese students must wear uniforms and show up in a natural looking appearance. SpecificallyRead MoreThe Is My Heart And My Soul, America, My Mind And Spirit, By Leah Lee Essay1301 Words  | 6 Pageswith herself, her Korean and American cultures, and her values. The article I chose is â€Å"Living in Two Cultures†by Andrew Lam; he described his experiences coming to the United States and comparing and contrasting Vietnamese and American cultures. Another article I chose is â€Å"The Korean Language in America: The Role of Cultural Identity in Heritage Language Learning†by Jin Sook Lee. It is a study about the role of cultural identity and language for Korean Americans. I was born at Vietnam, butRead MoreVietnamese vs American Styles1698 Words  | 7 PagesVIETNAMESE VS. AMERICAN Vietnam’s admission to the World Trade Organization together with the normalization of trade relations between the U.S. and Vietnam has opened great opportunities for many American companies to do business in this rapidly growing country. However, cultural barriers can adversely affect business transactions right from the negotiation process. American companies seeking a successful cross-cultural negotiation in Vietnam should understand, tolerate, and adapt to the differencesRead MoreI Love Yous Are for White People Essay1223 Words  | 5 PagesPeople I love Yous Are for White People is a memoir about Lacs journey and his family immigrated to America from Vietnam, after the Vietnams War. Lacs family had to deal with cultural shock, language barrier, and difficulty finding jobs. As a Vietnamese immigration myself, I feel like Lacs experiences live through me because there were a lot of similarities in his memoir compared to my past experiences with my parents. Lacs family and many immigrations families had the same circumstances, thatRead MoreStereotyping And Ethnocentrism1184 Words  | 5 Pages(Neuliep, 2017, 206). Vietnamese/Asian Culture Struggling with Yellowfacing The Asian culture, which includes Vietnamese culture, are dealing heavily with whitewashing because they are trapped within set stereotypes within the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry has yet to realize that the Asian community contains so many cultures; such a large array of people. Many times, Asian actors will be told after their auditions that their specific accents, such as a Vietnamese accents, are unappealingRead MoreBeing Chinese Vietnamese American1735 Words  | 7 PagesBeing Chinese-Vietnamese American, I have always seen myself as being very unique. In addition to celebrating the Western holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day, my family celebrates our mixture of Chinese and Vietnamese cultures with two other big holidays: Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. Although many cultures celebrate holidays differently, one thing is always consistent in most of these celebrations: the import ant role of food. WhenRead MoreVietnamese And American Educational Systems Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pagesshares the same task as planting a tree. Fortunately, having a chance to be exposed to Vietnamese and American educational systems, I have realized each one has its own value of educating people. Although both attempt to cultivate people, they have striking differences. One difference between Vietnamese and American education is their rules on students’ appearances and their behaviors. First of all, most Vietnamese students must wear uniforms and show up in natural looking appearance. Specifically,Read MoreComparison of American and Vietnamese Culture2261 Words  | 10 PagesFor this paper I will examine Vietnamese culture according to the five essential questions all cultures must answer (according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck). I will then take those answers and compare then to out culture here in America. I realize that some might argue that using North American culture as a starting point is an attempt to simplify this writing, but I believe that any initial examination of something new is most effectively done in comparison to what one already knows. The firstRead MoreMexican American, Chinese American And Vietnamese American1519 Words  | 7 Pages Mexican American, Chinese American and Vietnamese American make up the 1.5 and second generation today in US. The majority of these immigrants come from the humblest sectors of their society on average they have only a few years of schooling or no schooling, limited urban job skills and little or no knowledge of English. Immigrants to the United States are usually called first-generation Americans, regardless of their citizenship status, and their children second-generation Americans. The difference
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beowulf †Anglo Saxon Culture Free Essays
Beowulf’s Strength and Fearlessness Anglo-Saxon poetry reflects their culture and life. Poetry is a wide part of their lives, and many of them passed to the descendants through the word of mouth. From many poetry told, â€Å"Beowulf†would be a first class example of the Anglo-Saxon lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf – Anglo Saxon Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Beowulf†is a poem about a brave hero who hears tales of a fearsome beast that tore a kingdom apart. Beowulf, the main character, as a brave warrior, fights the beasts and saves the kingdom. Beowulf is fearless and strong. These characteristics show the values of the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf was â€Å"the strongest of the Geats†and â€Å"greater and stronger than anyone anywhere is this world†(lines 110-111). This proves that Beowulf was stronger than any Anglo-Saxon men. Beowulf also realizes himself that he is strong too. He says, â€Å"He could never leave me behind, swim faster / Across the waves than I could†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (274-275). He says this to prove that he is strongest of all men, and that no one could beat him in anything. The significances in Beowulf’s outstanding physical abilities reveal the value of strength in the Anglo-Saxon culture. Among the Danes and Geats, Beowulf is praised as the epic hero because he defeats the vile monsters, Grendel and his mom. Grendel and Beowulf would be total opposites of each other. Grendel is the demon who â€Å"snatched up thirty men, smashed them / Unknowing in their beds, and ran out with their bodies†(37-38). The people of Herot despised Grendel for his slaughtering. When Beowulf kills Grendel, Herot gains freedom from the demon. That basically makes Herot love Beowulf for his good deed. Beowulf â€Å"struck with all the strength he had left, / Caught her in the neck and cut it through, / Broke bones and all. †(641-643) and â€Å"then struck off / His head with a single blow. †(663-665). The slaughter of Grendel and his mother saved Herot from its continuing of sorrowful deaths. Again, Beowulf’s value of incredible strength reveals the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf was fearless to all of his enemies and never lost a battle. He never forfeited any of them, and won victory every time fair and square. When Beowulf first arrives in Herot, he is asked to leave all his weapons. Beowulf says, â€Å"My lord Higlac / Might think less of me if I let my sword / Go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid / Behind some broad linden shield: My hands / Alone shall fight for me, struggle for life / Against the monster. †(170-175) Beowulf doesn’t want to look like a weak hero by taking all of his weapons, so he leaves his spears and battle-shields behind. He doesn’t want his king to think less of himself. Beowulf emphasizes his fearlessness by leaving all of his weapons behind. The standout of Beowulf’s fearlessness shows an Anglo-Saxon characteristic. Beowulf also shows his fearlessness during the celebration after Grendel retreats with his arm cut off. Beowulf says, â€Å"When we crossed the sea, my comrades / And I, I already knew that all / My purpose was this: to win the good will / Of your people or die in battle, pressed / In Grendel’s fierce grip. Let me live in greatness / And courage, or here in this hall welcome / My death! (364-369) Beowulf says that he would rather die in Grendel’s hand if he could not defeat him. He does not fear to give up his life in a battle if he can’t win. This demonstrates that Beowulf is not fearful at all, even in front of death. Beowulf’s actions toward death show fearlessness, an Anglo-Saxon characteristic. From the poem â€Å"Beowulf†, the main character, Beowulf shows strength and fearlessness, the c haracteristics of the Anglo-Saxon culture when he first arrives to Herot and when he defeats Grendel and his mother. How to cite Beowulf – Anglo Saxon Culture, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Field Observation of Middle School free essay sample
There are several reasons why the favoritism is given, one is for the money, almost always see them as people with a good economic status can do what they want, from government up to schools, another reason may be the physical, that almost always occurs in women, among other things. In any of these cases can be harmful both to which is favored for which it is not, since helping one person, we do that does not strive for what they want and create for all are perfect, otherwise, low self esteem and it is to convince the person that it is useless. In the case of the school, I think we have all noticed or suspected that there is some kind of favoritism of some teachers towards students, Millers teacher aren’t the exception in this case; never criticizing them, say that everything they do is good, or simply do nothing and still passed with very good rating. We will write a custom essay sample on Field Observation of Middle School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In these cases the damage affects the student who is favored since their performance is not brought to a limit or a high level of effort to gather the requirements of pass in already is a matter or more. Leading the favored student to create an atmosphere of comfort to her around and so accustomed to not avail themselves of their merits to get something in daily life. On the contrary, the student who is not favored, as I mentioned before, tends to have low self-esteem and even strives to be better. In my fifth time tutoring at Miller, I notice a little unusual, that many teachers probably doesn’t pay attention or they do it without realizing they are doing it, which was having one of the girls as her favorite student, she was pay more attention to this student, she was trying to talk to her more softly, and this student was as we can call it the right hand of the teacher. I am not opposed students being more helpful, but the problem is when students are being more control and yelled at any situation. The favoritism is evident in this situation. Today there was another incident at school, when we arrived at Miller, there was a teacher with male student, the teacher was furious and was demanding to call the police, and we were there for part of this whole situation waiting our turn to sing in. The teacher was screaming and angry at this student because the teacher forgot her bag in the classroom. When she returned to her classroom, she said there was missing her credit card, driver license, and social secure number card, I know some of these documents are very important for any individual, but when the teacher returned to class there was only a single students in classroom, and because he is male and most likely easy to get in trouble was blame for this indecent. I am not saying that this student was innocent, why blame only the last male student that was in class? Why not the whole classroom? Is it because maybe the teacher thinks that a girl student was incapable of stealing those important documents from her teacher; or is it easier to presume that it was a male student who stole those documents from her. I left the office before the whole indecent was fixed, I am not even shore if the teacher brought all of those documents she was saying was stolen from her gab, because when an instructor has to teach more than 30 students a day plus they have to do parenting at home as well, the responsibility becomes greater because of these a person do make mistakes as well, like forgetting those documents at home.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Squid Essays - Squid, Megafauna, Giant Squid, Sea Monster, Tentacle
Squid Squid are wild and wonderful. They are believed to be remarkably intelligent because of their apparently complex communication system. They include the Vampire Squid, and the elusive and mysterious Giant Squid. I researched the Giant Squid which is the biggest animals in the sea. The giant squid lives in most of the world`s oceans and is among the biggest animals in the sea but it is rarely seen. It hunts smaller sea creatures but larger animals feed on it. It has inspired fantastic tales but the facts are even more fascinating than the ficiton. For over 2,000 years the giant squid has inspired fear, fascination, and fantastis stories. Encounters with this huge invertebrate have always been rare and distant. And only recently has there been scientific evidence to dispute the legends. Centuries ago, people invented explanations for what their astonished eyes saw. In 1500`s, when several large unfamiliar sea creatures were stranded in Norway, people decided they were ?gMermen?h. A merman is a giant squid. Until the 1880`s , the giant squid was thought to be a legend. But in 1888, a giant squid 57 feet long washed ashore on a New Zealand beach. It had tentacles 35 feet long, and its eyes were each larger than a dinner plate. (It is amazing!) One captured sperm whale regurgitated two 42 foot long tentacles in an aquarium, meaning the squid they came from was roughly 66 feet long, and weighed 85,000 pounds. Scientists do not know exactly where in the sea it lives, they have not been to study it alive. The giant squid can be up to 18m (59 ft), and their weight can be up to 900kg (1980lb,nearly 1ton). In addition, They were caught everywhere in the world, especially in the North of Atlantic. Scientists suspect giant squid live mostly at depth of 200 to 700, One of the giant squid found stranded on U.S. shores where in Washed ashore on Plum Island, Massachusetts, in 1980. It was the only third giant squid that they found stranded in U.S. shores. The total of specimen was 2.7m ( 9 ft) and the weight was 200 kg (440 lb).The giant squid eat mainly fishes and other squids, based on scientific analysis of the stomach contents of two giant specimens. Giant, menacing sea monsters have been written about for centuries. Sailors have told fantastic stories of being attacked by monsters with enormous flailing tentacles and huge, black menacing eyes . These stories probably originated from sightings of the largest marine invertebrate which is the giant squid. The giant squid have the ability to jet propel themselves through the water at 20 miles per hour, faster than most sailing ships of the past. As squid can also launch itself out of the water while moving at high speed , appearing to fly, which would be pretty unnerving to superstitious sailors on a whaling ship. In recently, a scientific expedition was launched to search the deepest oceans of the world for the elusive giant squid. Deep water manned and unmanned submarines will be used to try to find out more about the huge invertebrates. Perhaps there are still many things that we don?ft know about the squid, but the mystery of the sea monsters will soon be solved.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The U-2 Essays - Black Projects, Signals Intelligence, Free Essays
The U-2 Essays - Black Projects, Signals Intelligence, Free Essays The U-2 The U-2 CIA Air Force Reasons: Soviet air defense was aggressive April 8, 1950 USSR shot down a US Privateer over Baltic Autumn 1951 USSR downed a Twin-Engine Navy Neptune bomber June 13 1952 USSR allegedly downed a RB-29 Also scattered reports from Britain and Turkey After USSR backed N. Korea fear of USSR expansion grew Development: Civilian or Air Force? After many letters the decision for who to run development came from president Eisenhower who instructed that if a uniformed test pilot was captured in USSR in peacetime problems would arouse so a civilian team was called for development. Funding I would like to note that this segment in many reports was covered with black marker You try to read a sentence blacked out like this s and understand it. The Team James R. Killian, Jr. Director of Scientist - President of MIT His team of engineers worked no more that 50 feet from the assembly line. Problems were recognized and fixed in a few hours of draft productions. The Place Lockheed Martins Advanced Development facility in Burbank, CA AKA Skunk Works The Plane: The design called for a lightweight aircraft for ultrahigh flight. Tail The long tail was bolted to the body was only 3 bolts. This design was similar to a sailplane, which is also known for its lightweight. Wings The wing spar went through the fuselage. The panels were bolted to the side of the fuselage. (Sailplane) Amazingly the wings where integrated fuel tanks keeping almost all of the U-2s fuel. Nose and Landing Gear The nose was curved upwards to keep stabilized during wind gusts. (Sailplane) The landing was a complex set of bicycle like gears that weight 208 pounds but had the capability to withstand the touchdown of a 7-ton aircraft. Camera After developing 2 cameras each too large or too heavy a camera a camera was then developed using 3 mirrors and a prism to meet the size and weight requirements of the U-2 Spacesuits One of the first partially pressurized suits for high altitude flight was developed for specifically for the U-2. The cockpit kept a constant pressure 28,000 ft. This was at an outside pressure of a window cracking 70,000 feet or more. If the pressure suddenly decreased the suit would automatically inflate and administrate oxygen to the pilot. (Blood boils after 65,000ft) Fuel The CIA called on the vice president of Shell Oil Co. to make a low-volatility, low-vapor kerosene fuel. A fuel with the boiling point of 300F Security I wish I could fly like an eagle to the see fly like and eagle like my spirits carry me I want to fly. Right into the future I want to fly again. Over flights: First The first over flight of the U-2 was over Leningrad. Its target was to observe ship and submarines at bay. The Soviets caught glimpses of the U-2 but never accurately recognized the neither plane nor flight path. The USSR sent a letter to the White House describing the detection a Twin-Engine Navy Neptune bomber over USSR. The USSR was grossly wrong in the description of the U-2 and could not sustain the U-2 on radar for more than a few seconds. Nevertheless Eisenhower closed all over flights Renewal Eisenhower later renewed the U-2 program. But after taking pictures of Yerevan, USSR, The aircraft malfunctioned, and was forced to return to base. In another flight a pilot nick-named the Lemon Drop Kick was to fly over Bulgaria. The reason he was called that was because he always sucked on lemon hard candies during flight. But on that day the solider suiting him up put a L-pill in his pocket, unknowingly with the hard candies. L-pill being a suicide pill filled with potassium cyanide. He took off and started to eat his candy. He felt one of the pills had no flavor. Without biting into it he removed his faceplate and spit it out. The pilot was fine, but a thin glass coating away from death. More flights over the USSR west border were conducted with target cites and testing areas. Operation GRAND SLAM, the last over flight The flight was the first transit over the Soviet Union, all previous flight flew halfway in then turned around and retraced its flight. The flight would have been sooner, but the weather did not permit it. So CIA asked for more time. President Eisenhower demanded that no flights to be made after May 1,
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
How Christianity shaped the colonization of the New World Research Paper
How Christianity shaped the colonization of the New World - Research Paper Example this concept is so wrapped around with the misconception, if not premeditated efforts to have it seem either less or more important to native people than it actually is, that getting it directly, even precisely expressed, seems to be a task nearly impossible to accomplish. People of European origin who harbor no exacting ill-will toward Native American have a tendency to over-emphasize the notion of the Great Spirit because it makes some people seem more Christians than others. Some even propose that it is but a little step from belief in a Great Spirit to faith in the one, true God of Judeo Christian custom. At the same time, individuals who still anchorage the hope of our ultimate annihilation point to the notion as one that proves we still persevere in worshipping the devil, an article they see as a Great Spirit with authority over a pack of evil spirit who intimidates the existence of a Christianized civilization itself. Neither situation can be said to conserve any truth whatsoe ver with regard to Native American culture. This tries to guide in understanding the thesis of this essay, which question Native Americans concept on Christianity (Beardsley, pgs 463). Spanish Conquistadors The famous Spanish conquistadors, who were tremendously active throughout the Age of Exploration to the new civilization, impacted the process of civilization in regards to Christianity. In fact, thy were so well skillful and victorious in their efforts that they were directly accountable for a large part of the eastern zest trade, as well as creating massive wealth for their state of Spain. Gold and spices along with the unearthing of silver made Spain a powerful nation. The name conquistadors imply conquer, which is precisely what these men accomplished. The Spanish conquistadors were faithful soldiers and explorers, dedicating their lives to the improvement of their favorite Spain. The Muslim Moors lost charge of the Iberian Peninsula to these soldiers after 800 ye ars of conflict. This particular victory, referred to as the reconquist, entailed of Holy War fighting. The Spanish soldiers and explorers travelling the journey to the New World possessed the name of conquistador. In addition to the prosperities enjoyed by the gold, spice, and silver commercial activities the Spanish conquistadors had other motivations. For example, they sought to grasp a position of power and prestige, key fundamentals to building the Spanish territory (Abler, pgs 1-2). Additionally, the conquistadors needed to convert natives to the Catholic religion; Christianity, which is why ministers always traveled with the explorers. The Spanish conquistadors took the Indians as being savage. The exploitation and oppression associated with the populace became recognized as the Encomienda System, which was alike to the Medieval Feudal structure. In spite of, the objective was to penetrate the Indian communities with religion so they would transform. However, while the conversion progression was taking place, the Spanish conqu
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Team and leadership db2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Team and leadership db2 - Essay Example used his decision-making skills on a multi-dimensional level to navigate his company through the ever-dynamic external and internal forces that drive the insurance business. With experience accumulated from 1997, he is able to predict market trends and align his employees with the least disruptions. This is helped by his personality strengths, which include resilience and ambition in a fiercely competitive industry. Further, he has the leadership skills to balance organisational relationships, even when it is in conflict with the interests of stakeholders’. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), effective CEOs must act as role models, communicate across boundaries and solve problems creatively (PWC, 2013). By emphasising on innovation and efficiency, Blair has set an example for his employees and supervisors to be creative. Involving all levels in an organizations hierarchy in conducting market research leads motivation simply by participating (Tittemore, 2003). Blair used that strategy, which resulted in the development of the supplemental benefits programs that realised record growth. He also insists on the organisation to hire and maintain the best professionals in the sector who are capable of, like himself, working with and inspiring all colleagues. The key legacy the CEO will leave behind is the organisational culture that encourages each employee to be a role model to colleagues, which promotes communication across all
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Ice Cream Analysis Dippin Dots
The Ice Cream Analysis Dippin Dots Despite having operation in the global market, the company was not much affected politically. There exists federal regulations on the frozen desserts, which include a minimum of 10% of butterfat, and the ice cream must weigh a minimum of 4.5 pounds to the gallon. This is to ensure manufacturers do not produce sub standard qualities of ice cream ECONOMIC FACTORS Their core U.S.A market is a strong economy with a very high GDP, which has not been, affected much over the years of varying economic conditions. The growth of the Asian market in terms of wealth is also a factor, which may have led to growth in demand. SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS The most important element is the demography of the market for ice cream. The ice cream was initially targeting the kids and teenagers (aged 8-18 years) even though the company foresees a growing demand in future from older people. The trend to consume more healthy treats made firms develop ice cream with less fat but similar taste and texture. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS The company has its foundation from the technology of micro encapsulation. Flash freezing the ice cream using liquid nitrogen at -325 degrees and collecting the bead/dot to produce a special flavour, texture and shape was a remarkable idea by the microbiologist. This idea was to avoid crystals of air and ice in the dessert. It was named theicecream of the future due to its uniqueness whose formula was continuously perfected by Jones. Over time technology also led to the development of various ways of making different types of frozen desserts like Novelties, Frozen custard, Sherbets, Frozen yoghurt and others. LEGAL FACTORS Patenting the idea of flash freezing was a factor that made the company keep away strong competition through copying. Franchising and making contracts was also necessary as it maintained a legal relationship of distribution and royalty payment. 2) PORTERS FIVE FORCES MODEL POTENTIAL ENTRANTS The Ice cream market had been segmented and dominated by 2 major companies Nestle and Unilever. This was a challenge to keep away the Giants from eating into the flash frozen ice cream segment. Some of the competitors with similar business were Breyers, Dreyers/ Edy Grand, Blue bell and others. Dippins with its experience and knowledge kept away the competitors through differentiating their ice cream and creating a vast network of distribution through franchising. SUBSTITUTES Other types of frozen foods like the novelties and the ice cream/sherbet brands are a substitute for the flash frozen ice cream due to the similar satisfaction they give to the customer. Because of the segmented market, the product could be differentiated which led to the survival and growth of dippins. BUYERS The buyer power of this industry is high due to the large number of ice cream producers and varieties. There are many substitutes for this product as mentioned hence the customer is likely to move if not satisfied with quality and taste. SUPPLIERS The power of suppliers is high since most have quality products with loyal customers and new entrants pose a threat due to the way they copy the idea. Many new producers were former employees or franchise distributors of dippins who knew the strategy of operations. COMPETITIVE RIVALY Due to globalisation, dippins face stiff competition from U.S companies like Breyers and other European companies. This makes it necessary to differentiate the product since other companies can copy the ideas. The cost of operation also plays a role since it requires huge capital investments in technology. ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT VALUE CHAIN The firms operations are global and hence its primary factors affecting the internal environment are operations management, logistics, sales and marketing. The firm operates from U.S.A with over 448 franchises in 2006. These franchises distribute the product while paying royalties and some fees to dippins. The firm experiences logistical problems since transporting the product at sub zero temperatures require special equipment, containers and freezers. Mc Donalds rolled out a marketing campaign with dippins in 2002 spending $1.2 million in San Francisco to boost sales of both companies. The firm got recognition and value by appearing on top ranks in magazines like Entrepreneur. This also gave them a chance to be present in celebrity shows. The secondary factors, which affected the internal environment, include the procurement policies, technology and infrastructure. Jones initially hired his friends to manage the company with family members and later got professional staff. They faced a huge problem of financing and getting a suitable location making them move to locations. The technology they were using was being copied by rivals hence Jones continuously refined and perfected it. The firm later had a good infrastructure with sitting capacity and transport network was well developed. Value system of Dippins was efficient enough to reach the market and retail outlets but lacked the ability to enable the ice cream reach homes. They later introduced brands which could be consumed at home. VRIO ANALYISIS. The firms products have had a loyal customer base for a long time due to the quality. The value is due to the quality and the taste the frozen ice cream gives to its customers. The distribution also has had an impact in the value of firm since having a higher number of franchises gives them a greater market share. Despite having a high relative price they have had increased sales over the years. Celebrity appeal has also increased their value. The idea in a whole of having ice cream without crystals of air and ice is the biggest asset of the firm. The Dippin dots ice cream is a rare product to find because of the originality and the quality it gives. There are firms who produce similar products but cannot match the quality of dippins due to the unique technology they use. The firm has a many franchises (448) which gives them a competitive advantage. The rarity is due to the experience and knowledge they have. The firms operations and the product strategy are imitable in a way since the operations are global but the quality cannot be matched to that of dippins. Some former franchisers came up with similar products as dippin The organisation has adequate capacity and resources which can allow the firm to achieve more competitive advantage and get the most benefits through product diversification, increasing franchises, increasing the support to retail outlets. BALANCED SCORECARD. The strategies the company used to achieve the goals have been wise as their growth was rapid enabling them to scoop many awards and get highlighted in magazines for their good performance. The strategies they used were customer satisfaction in terms of quality and taste. Continuous improvement in the operations of making the ice cream. Their financial objectives can be getting the highest return on capital and maximum profits. They provided value for the price customer paid for the ice cream. Their price was high but relatively competitive. Their customers were differentiated in terms of the physical nature of the ice cream. Their internal objectives were quality of service and maintaining the quality during distribution and effective management of logistics. Their growth was substantial in terms of sales and number of franchises. They were given recognition through getting awards because of the fast growth and quality standards of ice cream and packaging by the international dairy association. They are innovative since they have launched a product, which can be now consumed at home.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Mont Blanc†Essay
The Prelude is an auto-biographical, epic poem by William Wordsworth, ‘Mont Blanc’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley is a much shorter poem, however it correlates closely to a passage from Wordsworth’s epic where he describes a walking trip he took to Mont Blanc. There are some startling similarities between the two pieces, but at the same time there are sharp contrasts in the way that the scene is represented and the poets have conflicting views on what this beautiful landscape means to them. A key theme in romantic poetry is a connection with the natural world, if we look at the ways that Shelley and Wordsworth represent nature in their work then some interesting contrasts can be seen. The Prelude, subtitled ‘Growth of a Poet’s Mind’, is a narrative poem, showing us the events in Wordsworth’s life that have shaped his way of thinking and his views on nature and existence. The poem was written in blank verse, this form was reserved for epics and grand poems. Right away this unrhymed form, and the iambic pentameter which it follows, lend the poem a grand and sweeping feel, creating a sense of importance and gravitas. This passage is split into three sections; a broad description of the mountain and the vale below it, a strictly narrative passage where Wordsworth tells of how he and his friend were lost upon the mountain and crossed the Alps without realising, and finally a lyric interruption or ‘hymn’ (Romantic Writings p123 ) to ‘Imagination’ (The Prelude, Book Sixth l525). First the speaker describes the setting, the natural world around him and how it effects his emotions, then he returns to the narrative, telling us of the event that has caused him to relay us this tale and finally he conveys to us the moral implications of the event and how it has shaped his ‘poets mind’. In the first section the landscape is described as ‘wondrous’ (TP l456) the glacier as ‘a motionless display of mighty waves’ (l459) but the speaker is ‘grieved’ (l453) by what he sees, the ‘souless image’ (l454) of the mountain is not as beautiful or as wondrous as the ‘living thought'(l455) in the minds eye. The imagery used to personify the mountain and its natural beauty is epic and grand. Winter is like a ‘tamed lion’ (l466), ferocious, dangerous, but sedate and controlled, creeping down the mountain with a stately pace. The pace of the poem quickens as the stretch of narrative begins’Descending by the beaten road that ledRight to a rivulet’s edge, and there broke off.’ (l503-4)The shorter words, repetition of plosive and hard sounds, internal partial rhymes (‘led’ ‘edge’) and the lack of imagery increase the tempo of this section. The tripping and jumpy sound of the lines, contrasts quite sharply with the earlier flowing sentences and sweeping descriptive passages. The metre helps to create the feeling of ascending the mountain, it also lends the setting a sense of desolation and emptiness; there are rocks and streams and tracks but little else. This creates a sharp comparison with the beauty of the valley below. Finally this change in style also helps to create a build-up of anticipation before the anti-climax of realising that they have ‘cross’d the Alps’ (l524) unknowingly. As they are told that all their remaining ‘course was downwards, with the current of the stream’ (l519) the young men’s spirits flow downwards with it, as nature mirrors the emotions of the individuals viewing it. ‘Imagination!'(l525)†¦ ‘ I recognise thy glory’ (l532). Underwhelmed by what the real world has to offer, the narrator can look back and see that imagination can usurp such disappointments. The ‘invisible world, doth Greatness make abode’ (l536), imagination can keep an individual in ‘hope that can never die’ (l540), and these lines seem to be saying that this transcends nature, that the human mind can imagine nature in all its perfection which can overcome the disappointments of the real world, and ‘Greatness’ capitalised along with ‘thy glory’ and the hymn-like nature of this passage suggest imagination gifted by a higher power. This point is where Shelley and Wordsworth’s treatments of Mont Blanc differ greatly. ‘Mont Blanc’ by Shelley is also written in Iambic Pentameter, lending it the same grand and solemn air as The Prelude. There is some rhyme throughout the poem although it is irregular, this helps to draw attention to certain lines, and phrases. Lines 25 – 28 form a rhyming couplet. Previous to this, the poem has spoken of ‘an old and solemn harmony’ (‘Mont Blanc’ l24), this couplet is that ‘harmony’. The rhyme and prosaic language lends this passage a lilting quality, emphasising the beauty and majesty of the nature it describes, ‘earthly rainbows’ (l25) and ‘aethereal waterfall’ (l26). When the rhyme breaks on the next line a pause is created, changing the atmosphere. ‘Wraps all in its own deep eternity’ (l29). Shelley has created a dichotomy to describe nature, the savage, awful power against the serene, calm and solitude. Shelley said that the poem â€Å"rests its claim to approbation on an attempt to imitate the untamable wildness and inaccessible solemnity†(Oxford World’s Classics edition (2003), the Preface to History of a Six Weeks’ Tour by Mary and P. B. Shelley). The speaker finds the landscape beautiful, like Wordsworth, but also sees a much darker savagery in the mountain. Regal metaphors are littered throughout the poem the spring of the river is ‘a secret throne’ (l17), the mountains around Mont Blanc are its ‘subjects’ (l62) and the river is ‘majestic’ (l123). The imagery used here emphasises the power of the mountain and its splendour. In the third stanza where the speaker ponders on the creation of the mountain an unusual rhyming scheme is used. From lines 72 to 83 the scheme is ABCCADBDEFFE. While there is no distinct pattern the rhymes seem to gradually slot together, creating a feeling of increasing momentum, this places great emphasis on the final quatrain which directly addresses the mountain itself ‘Thou hast a voice, great Mountain'(l80). This random and unordered rhyme mirrors the unpredictability of the natural forces it describes, emphasising Shelley’s point that the ‘wilderness’ (l76) has no pre determined pattern or plan, asking the reader, like the mountain, to refute the ‘large codes of fraud’ (l81) that credit a greater design with its creation. The beginning of the fourth stanza from lines 84 to 95 are concerned not with Mont Blanc itself but the cyclic nature of life and death. This whole section is one long sentence, filled with lists ‘the fields, the lakes, the forests and the streams’ (l84), uses of the words ‘and’ ‘that, and an ever increasing intensity caused by the language. We move from ‘forests’ to ‘rain’ then ‘fiery flood and hurricane’ (l87). Strings of alliteration keep increasing the pace of this passage ‘future leaf and flower’ (l90), ‘that detested trance’ (l91), ‘works and ways’ (l92) as finally it builds to a crescendo ‘Are born and die;’ (l95). Now the punctuation forces a pause and the following hard sounds and spondees of ‘revolve, subside’ put huge emphasis on this line as an ending point. Like the cycles of life and nature that this passage describes the momentum ke eps building with great fury and passion until eventually it stops and subsides. Similar imagery can be found to relate the two poems, both, for example, mention eagles in a setting of isolation, ‘A desert peopled by the storms alone, save when the eagle†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (MBl67-8), ‘The eagle soareth in the element’ (TPl463), this shows that both poets have taken things from the natural world to create a certain atmosphere. Shelley and Wordsworth have used a variety of metaphoric imagery to relay the aesthetic wonder of the mountain, interestingly both have used other images from nature to define it, ‘Winter like a tamed lion’ (TPl466), ‘brood of pines around thee clinging, children of elder time’ (MBl20-1), ‘glaciers creep like snakes that watch their prey’ (MBl100-1). While both seem to keep the scene completely natural, there is a much darker edge to the descriptions in ‘Mont Blanc’. The writing in The Prelude, while in the same form as ‘Mont Blanc’ is more stately and controlled; Shelley has tried to infuse his verse with more passion, to reflect his feelings on the wildness of the natural world. The tempo in ‘Mont Blanc’ seems to ebb and flow with the subjects that are touched upon, whereas in The Prelude, except for the narrative passage of the mountain climb, the progress is constant and measured. Nature is clearly awe-inspiring to the narrators in both poems but the way they feel about nature’s relationship with human thought seems to be intrinsically different. Two sections that stand out when comparing the poems are the ones which describe the infinite scope of the mountain when compared to the human mind. ‘Some say that gleams of a remoter world visit the soul in sleep’ (MBl48-9)’when the light of sense goes out in flashes that have shewn to us the invisible world’ (TPl535-6)Shelley believes that a remoter world is the realm of imagination, that only those who are ‘wise, and great’ (MBl82) can reach while in a state of ‘trance sublime’ (MBl34). That nature has the power to help you understand the perceiving mind, you realise that the process of thought, like the water cycle of the mountain, or the circle of life, though invisible, is very real, and that this understanding can help us realise that any other ‘power dwells apart’, ‘inaccessible’ (MBl96-7). Wordsworth gleans quite a different feeling from his experiences in the mountain. Imagination can transcend nature; the natural world can never match the ‘infinitude’ (TPl539) of the human mind. Bibliography Asbee, Sue (2001) Approaching Poetry, The Open University’Mont Blanc’, P B Shelley (referred to as MB)The Prelude, W Wordsworth (referred to as TP)Bygrave, S (1996) Romantic Writings, RoutledgeOwens , W, R and Johnson, H (1998) Romantic Writings: An Anthology, The Open UniversityShelley, P, B and Mary (1817) History of a Six Weeks’ Tour, Oxford World’s Classics 2003 edition
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort Essay
Within the context of theory illustrates a demanding yet creative shaping of plans, structured requirements, and prediction of a provisional, determined, and systematic sight of phenomena (Chinn, 2011). Nursing theory is a crucial function within the nursing practice. Theories afford nurses with the distinctive facets that are in encompassed within patient care and the nursing profession. Clarification of practice governance, and expectations are also integrated within contextual framework of nursing theory. It bestows various manners to acquire data, examine and study, and foresee the practice of nursing and the outcomes of patient care (Parker, 2010). Kolcaba’s middle range theory of comfort captivated my interest because my impression of comfort curtails that of positive patient outcomes. Comfort is not solitary to just physical ailments, but emotional and psychological measures in addition. Throughout my experiences and years as bedside registered nurse, I can attest that patient requests stem largely from the factor of being made comfortable. As stated above, this not only embraces physical comfort, but something unassuming as a comforting touch or positive attitude to render the positive outcome and a content patient. Absorbing how theory influences practice has been an impediment that I have recently overcame. I was unmindful that certain situations and decision making were reinforced through the use of theory. Examination of the importance of nursing theories, more in depth review of Kolcaba’s theory of comfort, and theory of comfort in nursing practice, education, and research will be reviewed further. Importance of Nursing Theories Separately from the governance of practice and foundation for the practice of nursing, theories furthermore propounds opportunities for nurses in the sense of practical application. Measurable changes and enrichment of the profession occur when nursing theories are incorporated into practice. The benefits of having a defined frame of theory in nursing produces superior patient care, heightened professional repute for nurses, progressed interaction among nurses, and direction for exploration of the practice and education. Theories also illustrate the quality of the nursing profession, and serves as a reservoir of knowledge with the examination of the essential requirements of patients and necessary interventions. In addition, specialized rationales are provided. Succeeding medical doctors orders are not exclusively to the context of nursing care. Nursing care incorporates not only a compassionate attitude but passion for care of patients. The caring component of nursing cannot be measured, rather dissected through theory within the clarification of what nurses do. Systemically this is all supported through abundant theories and theorist. The nursing profession emphasizes on holistic care which is defined as treatment of the whole person. Within this skill is the admittance of problems that are biomedical but also opportune clarification of the well-being and health of a human that introduces added indicators of disease that are non-visualized (Powers, 2011). Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort The origination of Kolcaba’s theory of comfort stemmed was first established in the 1900’s. Founder, Katherine Kolcaba, concluded that for a positive patient outcome to accomplished, comfort is a crucial obligation. Katherine organized a representation for exploring, analyzing, and gauging the care of the patient. Historically, she believed that the product of the profession of nursing is comfort. According to Kolcaba (2010), comfort is achieved in a few diverse ways to include transcendence, relief, and ease. Transcendence represents the aptitude to overcome the lack of comfort sensed by patients through their awareness to cease. Patients are able to rise above their challenges. For example, a post-operative below the knee amputee patient may experience great physical pain from the surgery as well as psychological trauma from the intervention. Pushing forward to regain strength and independence would be an instance of transcendence. Relief constitutes any ordered analgesic medication that can be given to the patient or non-pharmacologic interventions such as distraction or repositioning. This structure of comfort is experienced as relief. Anxiety reducing measures such as anxiolytics or inducing expression through conversation or other forms of communication can be facilitated. These actions can be constituted as placing the patient at ease. In my day to day professional practice experiences, I come across different situations where comfort may be the only measure to take in a particular patients care. Pharmacological therapy interventions are important for adequate relief, but non-pharmacological interventions are just as imperative. A simple caring touch and tone conditions the patient to an enhanced state. This particular theory affords nurses a better comprehension and obligation to comfort in the practice setting. Nurse are the forefront of healthcare. We have the ability to promptly identify the demands the needs of the patient. Kolcaba’s theory of comfort conforms into the nursing metaparadigm with relation to the three concepts presented: transcendence, relief, and ease. There is a clear consensus about the concepts which includes health, nursing, person, and environment of the metaparadigm. Kolcaba elaborated on the four various experience backgrounds that comfort is achieved. These include environmental, physical, social, and psychospiritual (Kolcaba, 2010). Theory of comfort in nursing practice, education, and research Kolcaba’s theory of comfort guides research in assorted ways. It challenges the nurse to examine the correlation among holistic interventions and different comfort measures. It also imposes a contention between comfort and â€Å"health seeking behaviors†. If the product is positive, than it enhances future endeavors and postulates additional motivators to provide comfort. Institutional outcomes are also examined (Koehn, 2000). References Chinn, P.L., & Kramer, M.K. (2011). Integrated theory and knowledge of development in nursing (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier Koehn, M. (2000) Alternative and complementary therapies for labor and birth: an application of Kolcaba’s theory of holistic comfort. Holistic Nursing Practice. 15(1):66-77 Kolcaba, K. (1992). Holistic comfort: Operationalizing the constructs as a nurse-sensitiveOutcome. Advances in Nursing Science, 15(1), 1-10, p. 6. Kolcaba, K. (1994) A theory of holistic comfort for nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 19: 1178-1184 Kolcaba, K. & DiMarco, M.A. (2005) Comfort theory and its application to pediatric nursing. Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 187-194 Parker, M.E., & Smith, M.C. (2010), Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed.) Philadelphia, P.A.: F.A. Davis Company Powers, B.A., & Knapp, T.R. (2011). Dictionary of nursing theory and research (4th ed.). York: Springer Publisher Company
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