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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Time Vs. Computer Addiction - 882 Words
Time vs Computers Everyday lives are impacted by computers, and internet access. Many people across the globe rely on personal computers to organize information, communicate with family, accomplish educational matters, and enjoy entertainment. Although, computers are a great tool to use, there is a possibility of obsession or overuse of this technology. The overuse, or obsession can cause individuals to neglect others, as well as self. This behavior can result to computer addiction. Obligations can be neglected, because too much time is spent on the computer. According to Wieland, â€Å"Young claims there were 56 million internet users in 1997. Extrapolating from prevalence rates of other addictions, 5-10 percent of users will most likely experience IAD.†Young’s survey suggest that too much time on the computer during the week and on weekends, adding to an average total of 40-78 hour per week, illustrates time not used to concentrate on mandatory work or home responsib ilities. The psychological and social effect of IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder) include spending excessive time on the internet and experiencing a compulsive desire to do this activity. (3) Symptoms of Internet Addition include lack of attention to personal needs for proper food, hygiene. Sleep is interrupted due to the late hours until early mornings hours spent on the computer/internet. Many people who are affected by this obsession, are decreasing physical activities, and socialization. (Wieland 2)Show MoreRelatedThe Positive Effect of Social Media Essay724 Words  | 3 Pagesshare photos and chat with friends who live down the street or across the globe. (Ali, Syed N.) Students are also able to communicate better on meeting times or sharing information quickly, which can increase productivity. Social media also allowed students to work with new technologies. Because of this students are becoming more familiar with computers and other electronic devices. (Dunn) However, there are some negative effects that come with social media. Research has shown that social networkingRead MoreThe Problem Of Internet Addiction871 Words  | 4 PagesFall City, Washington, the first rehab center for Internet Addiction Disorder in the United States opened its doors. Yes, there is actually a rehab for that! One 19-year-old resident who was interviewed from the reSTART Rehab Center, compared the destruction of his internet addiction to alcoholism and drug addiction as he described how he had dropped out of school and had fought to get his life back together. Although Internet Addiction is not an official disorder and has yet to be included inRead MoreIt Is Safe To Say That Social Media Has Enormously Impacted1735 Words  | 7 Pageshelpful as social media can be, it can too quickly turn into an addiction, it can become hard to tell what is truth and what isn’t, and it invades privacy. 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The aim of this paper is to estimate the percentage of IA among Greek university studentsRead MoreThe Internet From A Social and Communications Perspective Essay1720 Words  | 7 Pagescorporations/ Commercial Internet ïÆ'Ëœ Education ïÆ'Ëœ Mass Share of the information ïÆ'Ëœ Politics ïÆ'Ëœ Safety (cybercrime, the web economy) 6.3 Impact on personality ïÆ'Ëœ Specifics ïÆ'Ëœ Identity, Anonymity and Role Modeling ïÆ'Ëœ Internet addiction ïÆ'Ëœ Personality conflicts (and reality vs. virtuality) ïÆ'Ëœ Degradation of personality, mental problems) ïÆ'Ëœ Multitasking 6.4 Social characteristics ïÆ'Ëœ Variety of communication ïÆ'Ëœ Social networks ïÆ'Ëœ Internet culture, language and slang ïÆ'Ëœ Impact on other ways of communication
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
How Superheroes Have Changed over Time - 642 Words
How has Superheroes change through time Thesis Statement/Introduction: The portrayal of superheroes in films has changed in terms of their character, appearance, style and strength. Superheroes has been a popular theme in hollywood films since its inception. They are what peoples imagination can only think of. A perfect human being who saves the world .The first time superhero appeared on T.V was â€Å"The Adventures of Captain Marvel†in 1941. Superheroes was on the rise within popular comic books in 1930†²s to the 1940’s as well in which they were considered the ‘Golden Age of Comic Books’ . Comic books became widespread and popular which translated into making films about them. Body Paragraph 1 The superhero films was once unheard of by people but the genre has moved to a mainstream audience over time and has gained huge profits by the films that are created. This genre has been on the rise since 1940s when the comics on batman originally came out. Popular stars are always willing to play the main protagonist in the film in order to increase chances of profit. They also need an eye-catching marketing campaign to draw in a new audience by trailers, posters, adverts, sponsors. Body Paragraph 2 What makes us want to watch super heroes? Why do we think them as super-heroes? In films, We follow their battles and their struggles, as we hope they would come out victorious, we actually know they will never lose. The movies now not only target the youngShow MoreRelatedCommon Masculine Themes of Superheroes Explained in Complex Masculinities: The Superhero in Modern American Movies1256 Words  | 6 Pagescomplex by means of mass media. The question of where and why superheroes have held such a salient position in the last decade is aroused when it is media who is the deciding factor in institutionalizing masculinity. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Research Methodology of Management
Question: Describe about the Business Research for Methodology of Management. Answer: The Relationship Between Demographics Variables, Emotional Intelligence, Communication Effectiveness, motivation and Job Satisfaction by Hassan Jorfi, Hashim Fauzy Bin Yaccob and Ishak Mad Shah in International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Scineces. This research is mainly intended towards in giving the proposal for the building of a strong relationship in the workplace between the employees taking their characteristics of the emotional intelligence which includes the interpersonal skills, intrapersonal behaviour, adaptability of the individual with general mood and the management of stress. Along with this it has taken into account the variables of demographic conditions, effectiveness in the communication, job satisfaction and motivation. The author is basically aiming towards the process of introduction of motivation in the organization to eventually enhance the emotional intelligence of the employees by also increasing the effectiveness of the communication between the employees of an organization. This journal is mostly have the aim of job satisfaction of the employees in an organization. Therefore to provide an idea towards the job satisfaction, author here is intended with few objectives, like the exact definitions of all the factors affecting job satisfaction like emotional intelligence, secondly the preparation of the emotional intelligence model which can give idea about all the factors related to it, thirdly to take care of the investments that are involved in the categorisation of the emotional intelligence. Therefore the authors in this write up have made the linked up of the emotional intelligence, effective communication, job satisfaction, motivation and finally the other demographic variables. The author after linking all the variables through the proposed model got to know that the key point of all is the emotional intelligence which helps in the maintenance of growth in the organization according the present market trends and tradition and culture. [Source: https://www.hrmars.com/admin/pics/17.pdf] Employee Demographics and Job Training Satisfaction: the Relationship between dimensions of diversity and satisfaction with job training by Steven W. Schimdt in Human Resource Development International. This paper is the resultant of the study of the author on the working efficiency of the human resource development professionals which are mainly designated for the job satisfaction of the employees in an organization. Also the author says that it is necessary for the human resource development professionals to meet up with the issues and needs of the new employees or can be said to be learners by going through their skills, abilities and their background, on the basis of which they are given their responsibilities of job. For this reason the author has gone through the examples of the some organizations and details of their job training satisfaction. It is also evident that the organizational culture also keeps the maintenance of the changes of the organization or the workplace. The author in this paper is involved in establishing that the culture of the organization must have the training procedure along with the motivation process within the employees. This reason made the author in examining the various dimensions of the diversity of the employees with respect to the training of the job, along with that noting the each and every detail regarding the employee. So this will provide a full and final information regarding the employee and the other more required characters that are needed by the employee. All these processes are intended towards the knowledge of the job satisfaction of the employee in the organization. The methodology is being prepared by undergoing the instrumentation part with reliability and validity following the data collection and the analysis of the data. After the analysis of the data collected by the author the conclusion came that the job satisfaction is irrespective of the age or gender, rather than that it depends on the employees job status or its job tenure or job type in the organization. [Source: file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/975767_886702749_anitabrease.pdf] The Relationship between Satisfaction with on the Job Training and Overall Job Satisfaction by Steven W. Schimdt. As said in the title of the paper, the author Steven W. Schimdt is intended towards the establishment of the relationship between the satisfactions of the training that the organization has provided with the overall job satisfaction of the employee in the organization. It is always evident that the employees of the organization always get dependant on the organization for any type of training whether it is in initial period or in between the job period. Therefore this is the reason why the employees rely on the employer in an organization. For this reason the author studied a process for particular time period by going through a survey on 301 numbers of the technical service employees and the customers those are serving in different organizations. The organizations that are selected are involved in the manufacturing or any government or technical or any other type. The author has created specific methodology to acquire knowledge that is required for finding the relationship between t he training of the job which is a major factor in the job satisfaction of the employee. During the procedure of the survey in this field, author in between found out that the tenure of the job of an employee has much effective interaction with the type of the job of that employee. After all the studies of the data collected, it is evident that an effective job training is much required for the job satisfaction, with respect to all the employees in the organizations in accordance to their designations in the organization. Author has notified the role of the managers and the customer contact managers in the management of the job training that has to be given to the employees. [Source: https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/1805/276/Schmidt.pdf] The Contribution of Demographic Variables: Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intensions by Dr. Sarminah Samad. Dr. Sarminah Samad, in this paper studied about the relationship between the characteristics of particular job in an organization with the satisfaction with the job which eventually took the thought towards the intensions of the organizations towards the turnover of the organization. In this study it is stated that the employees perfect control towards the work along with their support and contribution. Therefore it is important to clarify the issues that the employees are facing by any means as the satisfaction of the employees is very important for the fulfilment and the achievement of the organizations goals. Due to this the author has taken an example of sample which is comprised of the 292 technical staff of information technology from the department of telecom. Further prior to which the studies are carried out which shown that the job satisfaction by one way or the other is associated with the turnover of the organization. Therefore there is such findings of the job satisfacti on is also associated to the employers contribution towards their employees which needed to corrected by giving effective training to the employee as per their job roles which will increase the job efficiency and the job satisfaction in many ways by enhancing the companys turnover withdrawing the negative impact. [Source: https://www.jimsjournal.org/1.pdf] Measurement of Training Development Effectiveness- An Empirical Study by Dr. V. Rama Devi The organization will somehow always be expected to be active in case of providing the training programs to its employees for their betterment and the betterment of the company. Therefore the employees and the organization must be aware of this type of issue as the human capital is the most valuable capital that the organization possesses. That is the reason the organization must have the idea of investing on the training and development of the employees. The author by taking this base into consideration made the study on the It company of Hyderabad, in which mostly 200 people of that organization were taken into consideration. These amount of people are introduced to the training where the training is given to the employees as per their need with proper design to retain the satisfaction of the employees. After which a statistical data is collected which is based upon the training program and that is in further situation analysed. So by analysing the data that have been collected fro m the training program given to the employees by the employer, it is found out that there occurs positivity in the training programs. The four dimensions of the training program basically gave a very good impact on the employees. Those four dimensions are the determination of the needs of the training, with having a good design for the training, by having a good trainer for the training program that is given to the employees and finally the performance of the trainee, no doubt which is a very important factor. These all makes the training program effective by its means. The above mentioned study reveals that all these process and the procedure by taking these four dimensions into account there will have a good impact on the employees of the organization. By this process the organization will get eventually benefited by increasing the quality of the employees and finally aimed towards the increase in organizations turnover. [Source: https://indianresearchjournals.com/pdf/APJMMR/2013/September/2.pdf] The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude as it Relates to Training and Work Proficiency by Debra L. Truitt The author here is intended towards the establishment of the base that there have been a good impact of the training that is being given by the employer to the employees in an organization. Basically it focuses the professional those are involved in the training and development and who makes the plan, program and the designs of the training program that has to be given to the employees. In addition to this training program is mostly aimed towards the reduction of the lack of performances of the employees in the workplace. By the help of this study, the author here had thought towards the improvement of the efficiency of the employees by making them satisfied regarding to their job description. This study is made on an academic institution which involves the 237 amount of employees regardless of their tenure or job type. So by preparing the training program in the institution the employees of the institution in the states of Maryland got training, by the help of which the author found out that there is a good relationship between the training that has been given by the employees by the organization, as it is aiming towards to increase the proficiency of the employees regardless of their designation. This training also results in the change in the behaviour and attitude of the employees by reducing the conflicts in the workplace and between the members in the workplace. [Source: https://sgo.sagepub.com/content/1/3/2158244011433338] Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction by Abdul Raziq and Raheela Maulabakhsh. This paper shows the impact of the working environment on the employees satisfaction regarding its job. Both the authors have gone through a study to reveal the impact of the workplace environment on the job satisfaction of the employees. For attaining a successful business it is very mandatory to have a very good human capital which is the most valuable entity that a company possesses. Therefore with the ever growing market challenges the environment of the workplace is also changing by which it is necessary that the employees get aware of it. So the employees must be given proper training by the organization with growing and changing time. This process is carried out by the organization to make the employees adaptable for the ever changing environment with respect to the market trends and culture and the most important is to maintain a chore by which the competition in the market should be maintained. For this reason it is necessary to give efficient and effective efforts to carry out the requirements of the employees to get them prepared for good working conditions to maintain competition. For this reason the author here conducted a study where the data was collected from the self administered questionnaire survey which includes many sectors collectively. After going through the details of the survey, it is evident that there is a positive relationship between the environment and the job satisfaction of the employees which also ensures the growth of the organization.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Ulysses By Tennyson Essays (694 words) - Literature, Spacecraft
Ulysses By Tennyson Lord Alferd Tennyson presents to us in the poem "Ulysses" an old sailor, a warrior and a king who is in retrospection on his experiences of a lifetime of travel. Ulysses old age and strong will causes him to be restless and unable to be comfortable at home. He chooses a life of travel over his family because that is what he knows best. Because of his faults, we identify with his character. As a result, Ulysses attempts to go on to face a new but familiar journey, not knowing if it would be his last. By connecting with Ulysses' courage he awakens the heroic spirit in all of us. At home Ulysses is unable to adjust to old age. Regardless of his physical body he feels his spirit is still longing for travel. He feels as though his wife is too old, and he governs the people with no respect, "Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole / Unequal laws unto a savage race, / That hord, and sleep, and feed, and know not of me"(3-5). Ulysses condescends his own son by describing his timidness to rule the people and how his son is more capable of the common duties. Ulysses boasts with a sense of superiority in trying to reassure himself. This is my son, mine own Telemachus, / To whom I leave the scepter and the isle- / Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfill / This labor, by slow prudence to make mild / A rugged people, and through soft degrees / Subdue them to the useful and the good. / Most blameless is he, centered in the sphere / Of common duties, decent not to fail / In offices of tenderness, and pay / Meet adoration to my household gods, / When I am gone. He works his work, I mine (33-43). Being a life long traveler prevented Ulysses from learning any of the responsibilities of being a father and a husband. Instead, he was traveling abroad consoling with kings, generals and gods, traveling to "cities of men / And manners, climates, councils, governments"(13-14). The only thing he gained from his travels was the unending quest for more. Retiring home is an unsatisfying dull life, which is impossible for Ulysses bear. After all the battles and fame he has won Ulysses realizes his old age and feels required to "pause, to make and end, / To rust unburnished, not to shine in use! / As though to breathe were life!"(22-24) Ulysses reveals on lines 25-31, his old age and fear of dying, but rejects death's attempt to muscle its way into his life. Were all too little, and of one to me Little remains; but every hour is saved From that eternal silence, something more, A bringer of new things; and vile it were For some three suns to store and hoard myself, And this grey spirit yearning in desire To follow knowledge like a sinking star, Ulysses directs the next verse toward his mariners, who have been with him through the bad times unlike his wife who was unable to. "Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought with me-"(46). At this point both the bad and the good side of Ulysses can be identified and we are called to join in on the final journey ...Come my friends, ?Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles (56-61). Tennyson seals the bond to the readers and gives us a since of connection to Ulysses courageous mission. We are left with the encouraging Idea that no matter how old we might be physically the soul lives on. We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are- One of equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield (66-70). This awakens the hero at heart for everyone and makes us feel proud and motivated to take on life.
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